In line with Industry and Government ambitions, Dolphyn Hydrogen will be accelerating its commercial scale roll-out in the UK. To do this and in close collaboration with DESNZ, we will be withdrawing our single-unit demonstrator application under the HAR 1 funding scheme, to secure alternative funding for a phased multi-unit larger development.
Dolphyn will focus now on an opportunity to advance the Dolphyn demonstrator within a larger commercial scale project, where the demonstrator forms phase 1 of the roll-out. To facilitate this accelerated approach, we will be moving the location of the demonstrator to a site that will allow expansion at a single location.
We are excited by the opportunity to progress earlier overall delivery of Dolphyn and to continue working in close collaboration with government, regulators, and wider stakeholders. We share their ambitions that larger scale delivery is required, and this decision allows us to accelerate our growth.
We are advancing discussions for commercial scale projects off Scotland in the North Sea as well as the Celtic Sea off Wales and the Western Atlantic Margin and Celtic Sea off Ireland. We are also actively looking at additional sites in Europe and further afield.
We are continuing to work closely with the UK government and devolved governments to support the evolving Hydrogen economy and bring forward the opportunities it will bring for our society. We are currently preparing for our offshore Hydrogen trials in Milford Haven, South Wales that will proceed this Autumn – a first for offshore hydrogen produced in the UK.
We look forward to sharing further information on these accelerated developments in the near future. This is an exciting time for Dolphyn Hydrogen, and we fully appreciate the active support of UK, Scottish and Welsh Governments.