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We want to hear from like-minded individuals and organisations.


We are always pleased to hear from potential applicants who are interested and supportive of our ambitions and vision for Dolphyn.

If you are interested in a career in hydrogen or sustainability and want to be part of this exciting and innovative journey, please get in touch.

Supply Chain

We are committed to engaging with all tiers of the supply chain across various skills, capabilities and locations. Engagement throughout all stages of development is key to successful innovation. We strive to understand our suppliers requirements and needs, to encourage long term synergies throughout project development and operation.

With the project being first of a kind, we understand that support and engagement may be needed for some suppliers and we are committed to helping them develop and gain from these new opportunities.

Skills development & Knowledge sharing

We are committed to knowledge sharing, supporting hydrogen skills development and academic partnerships, which is critical to the low carbon economy and a just transition. We welcome any individuals, academic institutions, collaborations or research bodies who are interested in collaborating with us.

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